We headed out with Geo-Jeeper (Cynthia & Mike) sort of early this morning. Unfortunately, the traffic didn’t know we were on a mission and couldn’t stop--even for them! Mike had worked up our route and our agenda. We had a long drive ahead of us if we wanted to get to Eureka by night time.
Our first two caches were at a Winery outside of Calistoga. This was a new winery with lots of interesting sculptures on the grounds. We did the first one and only got to do the second one because Cynthia and I jumped out of the car and ran off to find the "thumb". The thumb had the information we needed to claim this virtual cache as a find. Mike was chomping at the bit to get going. Once we had the right info, we jumped back in the car and headed on down the road.
Our next stop was at junction 29 & 281 (outside of Lower Lakes). On our way to the cache, Larry shared the story of Mt. Konocti! The mountain looks like an Indian reclining on his back staring into the sky. Apparently, he lost his daughter and cried for her. His tears ran down his face and formed Clear Lake. We expect to hear this story many more times.
4 caches found and we have a long way to go. We did have to stop to eat so we talked to a fisherwoman near the cache in Lakeport and asked for directions to the nearest McDonalds. She had been fishing for some time without success and welcomed the distraction. She gave us the directions and Larry shared his secret for catching fish in Clear Lake. He told her she had to sing a particular song which he demonstrated. We chatted a bit more with her fishing partner and then headed back to the car. About that time she caught a fish! Guess Larry’s secret worked!
Oops, we had to pass on two. One had way too much poison oak for our liking and the other was being watered by several sprinklers. We stationed some of us at the sprinklers to divert the water while one of us looked. We exchanged positions but we still could not find it. We finely gave up after a few unkind words about Mendocino County watering their lawn (and tractors) in the middle of the day. Didn’t they know we were on a mission?
We stopped for the night in Fortuna, CA. We probably could have gone another hour or two, but we needed to rest and regroup. We will post some pictures a little later.
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