Sunday, April 20, 2008

Folsom Day 2

We actually slept in this morning. Well, sort of. We didn’t need to leave until 8:00 so we figured we could sleep in a little and enjoy the morning. Unfortunately, my body didn’t cooperate and I was up at 5:00. I managed to get lots of things done while I waited for the others.

At 8:00 AM promptly, we headed to Folsom for the second day in a row. We were bound and determined we were going to clear out a bunch of caches in another area of Folsom. I think we did a pretty good job. But first, we had to start our day at Starbucks. Somehow, it just seems better to start the day this way.

Throughout the day we found several wetlands areas, shaded bike trails, various parks, wooden bridges, and several caches. Throughout the day, the weather couldn’t make up its mind. We had moments of downright cold (the wind was a little tough), and moments when it was on the warm side. We couldn’t decide whether we needed our jackets or not so we changed from moment to moment! It was an interesting day.

We returned home sometime around 6:00 and managed a quick fajita dinner. We are all tired but it was worth it. We came pretty close to getting in our 10,000 steps for the day and we found over 20 caches. One of these days we will have to travel some of the trails we discovered today as they are intended--by bike.

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