Wednesday, April 25, 2007

We Hate Potatoes!

More specifically, we hate Folsom and Rocklin potatoes!

Have you ever filled out a questionnaires where you had to rate how you felt about something? Well, if we were filling out a questionnaire, we would have to say that we strongly dislike Folsom and Rocklin potatoes!

Many years ago, miners used dredgers to clean our the rivers to search for gold. As a result, they left many "river rocks" along the banks of the American River in the Folsom, CA area. Geogachers love to hide caches in these piles of rocks and, as these rocks are the size of potatoes, they refer to these rocks as Folsom Potatoes. Some of the hidden caches are regular size ammo cans while others are micro caches. Searching for a micro cache in a "potato" pile is like searching for a needle in a haystack! We hate these types of caches but we still search for them!

Yesterday, released a cache hidden by H_M Treasurecache. This cache is a micro (a tiny tube shaped object) in a pile of rocks in the Rocklin area. He called it "The Rocklin Potato Pile" (GC12CWN). Did we tell you we hate Folsom & Rocklin potatoes?

We tried to find it, but we were unsuccessful. Here is our log that we posted on the cache site:

April 24 by L3-Geo (3854 found)
Let us be the first to post a DNF! We searched and searched and searched for this cache. We peeled every potato in sight and found nothing. We even expanded our search to include possible nearby locations but we came home with nothing. Actually, that is not completely true. We had forgotten to put sunscreen on today so we did bring home quite a sunburn! Did we tell you we strongly dislike Folsom potatoes and now we strongly dislike Rocklin potatoes. Guess we will have to stick with russets! Given our obsessive nature, we will probably try again. Let's hope we are more successful!

When we posted our log, the owner sent us a message with a very specific hint. So, this morning we awoke to the alarm, got dressed, and headed out at daybreak. We spent another hour searching the potato pile and we still did not find it. This time we did not post our failure, but sent an email to the owner challenging him to find the cache. Apparently, he took us up on it, searched high and low, finally found the cache buried in a crevice, and then replaced it in a more accessible spot. Another geocacher with him at the time, signed the log and posted his find on the web.

As soon as we knew it had been found, we headed back out to the site. We walked right up to it and had the cache in hand within minutes. This is our "successful" posting of the cache:

April 25 by L3-Geo (3854 found)
We told you we strongly dislike potato piles! We still dislike them and we will continue to dislike them, but that won't stop us from coming back over and over again. We were there this AM (with hint) and in one hour systematically rebuilt the potato pile to attempt to reconstruct the scene of the cache. Still no success. We sent a challenge to the owner to see if he could find it again! When we returned this afternoon we walked right to it and there it was! You have all benefited from our failure. We hope you appreciate our efforts! We are proud to have found this cache! We had a day full of Graniteman and H_M Treasurecache caches. We were glad to be able to go home and rest!

What a way to end the day! At least we finally found it! Now we can sleep at night instead of dreaming about this cache!

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